
Thursday, October 6, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK - Day 19...

As you may know by now, I spend a lot of time on facebook and chowhound. Despite what some people might think about participating in internet communities of any sort, these communities are very much like life. If anything, by the power of the internet, they bring you a bigger, more evenly distributed, and broadly representative slice of life than you might get by just interacting within your immediate physical community.

Also despite what some people might think, I don't do it because I'm bored and/or have nothing better or more meaningful to do with my life. I do it because I take away so much more good from it than I put into it (though I do try to make positive contributions in both places).

From learning about foods I've never heard of before, to getting really thoughtful recommendations on restaurants, to having my thought provoked by political or philosophical postings, to learning about how to make a better fried chicken, to hearing music I never would have heard, to being inspired to make fresh pasta with my family, to being able to air out grievances and relieve a little stress, to honing my writing and reasoning skills, to having the kinds of civil and thoughtful (and maybe even controversial) discussions that we often shy away from in *real life*, and best of all... making friends...

and learning about them - what they like to read, what they like to listen to, who they admire, what fuels their dreams, what they believe in, what matters to them - and giving and getting support and encouragement, and sharing words, art, thoughts, laughter, and virtual meals and drinks with them, and being HUMAN together,

I benefit so very much.

And rather than take away from my ability to relate to people in person, it has broadened my empathy for the people I meet by any means. It has helped me to better understand the complexity of the human condition and to realize that underneath a single aspect of appearance, or the espousal of a certain value, or a preference for a certain kind of food or music that might be at odds with my own, there lies common ground. Usually lots more of it than I might have assumed.

I hope each and every one of my friends whom I've met in this way knows how you've brightened and enriched my life and that I consider you no less a gift than if you had done so in the flesh.

Thank you.  :)


For me and the Man, tacos filled with fried egg, fresh avocado, tomato, green onions and cilantro, topped with a little queso fresco and dressed with a squeeze of lime and a dash of Tapatio.

As the Boy wants nothing to do with things wrapped in corn tortillas, he opted for yogurt with a little sugar and vanilla.


For the Man, leftover pernil, rice and platanos, topped with a Fuji apple.

For me and Joe, a fried rice made with some more of the pernil and its sauce, and some veg odds and ends.


Sahngchoo ssahm (Korean lettuce wraps) filled with some rice, the pork that I shaved off the pernil before I marinated it, and some seasoned dwenjahng. On the side, two kinds of bahnchahn - cucumber and sprouts - and a kimchi and bean sprout soup.

I'm so pissed I could spit as I'm typing this because even though I *published* my completed post, blogger failed to save all the text I typed into the meals portion of this post including the breakdown. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... >|

So until I come back in a less *choke the bitch that is blogger* state of mind to break it all down for you again, let's just say that everything cost $12.00, because it did.

Saturday:  $5.40
Sunday:  $16.00
Monday:  $12.40
Tuesday: $12.60
Wednesday:  $12.00

$59.00 spent with 2 days left to go. Due to my <ahem> *hormones*, there's probably about 3 or 4 bucks worth of latenight snacks that have gone unaccounted because I was too lazy to come back and add to the posts, so we'll say we're actually at $63.00 with two days left.

Time to go clean crap again. Small spaces get so messy so quickly.


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