
Friday, October 7, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK - Day 20 (Thursday)...

Catching up is the problem with falling behind.

One all nighter spent subconsciously ruminating over a family matter, which then fries your brain for the next 4 days while your brain and body try to compensate for the fact that you're no longer a 20 year old who can bounce back from an all nighter with nothing but adrenaline and a Diet Coke. (They didn't have Red Bull back then, that's how long ago that was.)

This may sound kinda lame, but at Day 20, with just a week and a day left to go, I feel pretty good about the fact that I did something as mundane as keep track of everything I ate for the past three weeks even though I didn't have to. It doesn't sound like much, but when you grow up in an oddly Bohemian environment (Yes, Asian people can be that way, believe it or not. We just don't grow up thinking there's anything cool, hip or chic about it and instead opt to see ourselves as failures for our lack of routine and discipline.), it's a feat to get your teeth brushed by roughly the same time every morning.

But I won't lie. It does help to stay on task when you're getting feedback and encouragement. I don't get many *attagirls* for brushing my teeth.


How fried am I? I had to upload the pics to remember what I ate yesterday.

Half of the last bagel each for the Man and me, and a repeat of the vanilla yogurt for Joe. (I really can't believe how little that boy eats sometimes...)

   1 bagel with cream cheese and some jam $0.60
+ 2 cups of coffee $0.40
+ yogurt with sugar and vanilla $0.60

= BREAKFAST: $1.60


The Man was chickened out, and the Tandoori chicken with the aloo gobi was the only leftovers we had enough of to pack a lunch, so he bought lunch at Panda Express, and that lunch cost him $8.00.

GAH. Eight bucks for some breaded beef crap and some chicken crap with some rice. Is there any better argument I can make for cooking enough to have leftovers the next day???

The very last of the pernil and some steamed rice for the Boy.

The Tandoori chicken dealie for me. And you can totally see that we are getting to the end of the week. It gets dicey, folks.

LUNCH: $8.00 total for caca Panda Express food.


Dinner was supposed to be salmon, but I decided I would put the salmon in my wonky refrigerator to defrost overnight. *FAIL.* That's why you buy instant or near-instant crap. Plan B food, I call it.

Yakisoba (yahkkeesohbah) with onions, carrots and cabbage. A most interesting Worcestershire based seasoning if you've never had it. I personally love the stuff, and all the more with a few dashes of Tabasco. I can't articulate what it is about yakisoba with that particular seasoning packet and Tabasco sauce that I like so well, but I like it. A lot.

Leftover kimchi soup and cucumber bahnchahn on the side.

   3-pack of yakisoba $2.50
+ 1 carrot $0.10
+ 1 onion $0.20
+ 1/3 of a head of cabbage $0.45
+ 1 green onion $0.10

= DINNER: $3.35 total, $0.85/serving (4 servings total)

I think we had some kind of a snack last night, but hell if I know what it is.

Saturday:  $5.40
Sunday:  $16.00
Monday:  $12.40
Tuesday:  $12.60
Wednesday:  $12.00
Thursday:  $13.00

$76.00 spent with one day left to go in the week.

Off to cook dinner and then hopefully back in a bit with today's meals so I can finally get caught up.



  1. Lol, couldn't he at least gotten a burger or pizza instead? You make the best Asian food and Panda is just plain gross, well actually, I don't even think I've ever had just looks bad;-). I'm going to be sad when you reach the 30 days, it's been such a fun read!!

  2. Haha! The truth about dining out in this town is that you have to say to yourself, which of my fair to mediocre choices am I going to take today? :P

  3. And I think I'm going to be a little sad about this project ending too. :(
