
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

On Social Media Whoring...

As I'm duplicating my internet presence on Google+, I am conflicted about what I'm seeing over there as well as my own contribution to it. And what I think I'm seeing is lots of people who seem to want to make overnight internet rockstars of themselves, counting friends and circles and marveling aloud at how many people are *following* them, as if blowing airkisses out to a sea of adoring fans.

And while some may call this the pot calling the kettle black, I just want to say...

Gag me with a 2 X 4.

May I be forced to drink a case of Yoohoo chased with a forty of Olde English if I ever start calling a fellow human being my *follower*.



  1. Great point lady!!! :) FB has the better term, "subscriber".

  2. You're right. That term does have a less narcissistic, megalomaniacal ring to it. :P

  3. I mean less narcissistic/megalomaniacal
