Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jeezuss It's Been A While...

I've been gently nudged more than a couple of times by more than a couple of people to get back to this thing, which is probably a good thing. I think it's been a long while since I've gone longer than a month without posting at all.

With the proliferation of so much new media, I'm just getting a feel for which of what's out there will get me where I want to go. And yet I can't seem to scrap this thing that gives me the least amount of feedback for the greatest amount of work. In the end, I know it's because it's deeply personal to me. It's seen me through more than a few catharses, epiphanies, and turning points. 

It's replaced the very private handwritten journals, 13 years' worth, that are held hostage somewhere in the house that's inhabited by a person who exploited them to their benefit without compunction during the weakest moments of my life, and so in many ways, it seems only fitting that my new journal be kept on some remote superpowered Google-owned server where I am free to access and distribute it as I see fit, to exploit myself as I see fit, and to control the dissemination of whatever good, unflattering, or neutral personal truths I wish to disclose as I see fit.

My worldly possessions, my so-called friends, and even my children might have been poached from me to varying degrees.

Thank Goddess I still have my words.

Breakfast was yogurt with diced Fuji apples, freshly ground cinnamon, and a little drizzle of clover honey.

It's good to be back. :)



  1. And it's good to see you here. Cyberspace is a better place thanks to you, your blog and your google plussing. Un beso, Becky

  2. I am so sorry your journals were plundered for someone else's pleasure
