Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rice,김 & 김치

Lots of people are familiar with the use of toasted seaweed sheets in Japanese cuisine (in which it's called nori), but it's also a popular food, prepared slightly differently, in Korea, where it's called gheem (aka gim, kim).

The Korean style preparation is rubbed with toasted sesame oil, lightly sprinkled with salt, then toasted until it's crisp and nutty.

It's actually become so popular in certain parts of the States that you can buy it at Trader Joe's, Costco, and a number of other mainstream food sources now.

One of the most popular ways to eat it is as a wrap for steamed rice and any number of other fillings and condiments.

Today, it's just rice and kimchi, which is probably my favorite way to eat it because it reminds me of my childhood.

And now it'll remind my kids of their childhood, too. ^^


P.S. Seaweed is also generally high in Vitamin C, iron and potassium! :)

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