Two months of vacation a year, free childcare, free college, a somewhat socialized healthcare system. And the best thing of all, the food. That fooooood.
Fucking French.
Why that even occurred to me today is that the Man took a day off work to do what? Errands.
Don't get me wrong. This isn't an America-bashing post. I've had the good fortune to travel to a handful of countries other than this one, and it has always been nice to come back home. Gawd knows I'd rather live here than South Korea where I was born because, underachiever that I am, I probably would never have passed the exams for university and been stuck serving coffee in a nohrae bahng or something like that.
But having the Man or the kids around gives me a certain energy I don't have when I'm alone, and that's always nice. Because on days like today, it gives me a jump on things.
I woke up thinking cereal, but then I thought that would be a rather inauspicious meal for the Man's rare day off, so I made some tomato, spinach and mozzarella omelettes.
5 eggs @ $0.75
+ 3 slices of mozzarella cheese @ $0.75
+ 1/4 of a bunch of spinach $0.30
+ 1 Roma tomato @ $0.20
+ a little milk, sat and pepper @ $0.10
+ 2 cups of coffee @ $0.40
= BREAKFAST: $2.50 total, $1.25/serving
The Man was out running errands and so grabbed a slice of pizza for lunch. That omelette kept me sated for a while, so just now, I ate a little bit of rice with some of the braising liquid from last night's piggy digits dinner with a baby dollop of sriracha. Braising liquid from fatty meats over some rice is unexpectedly satisfying. I think it's because the flavor is so rich, unctuous and layered.
It's now 3:30, and dinner is pretty much around the corner, so I think this'll do me for the next hour and half.
the Man's pizza @ $3.00
+ a dollop of sriracha @ $0.02
= LUNCH: $3.02 total
I got a head start on dinner today, so it's actually made and ready to go as of this writing. The rest of last week's chuck roast and some vegetables fashioned into a pot roast type deal. And the rest of that bunch of spinach as well as the white corn I bought on last week's shopping trip made into a creamed spinach and corn with just a touch of the nutmeg I bought today.
just over 1 pound of the last shopping trip's chuck roast $3.00
+ 2 Roma tomatoes @ $0.40
+ half an onion, half a carrot, a stalk of celery (I finally have about 1 stalk left!!!) @ $0.25
+ half a head of garlic $0.05
+ a couple of bay leaves, some Worcestershire, Balsamic vinegar, S&P @ $0.25
+ the rest of the bunch of spinach @ $1.00
+ 4 ears of white corn @ $1.00
+ some butter, milk, flour, S&P, nutmeg @ $0.40
= DINNER: $6.35 total, $2.15/serving (there are at least 3 servings)
$12.00 spent today.
Saturday: $15.00
Sunday: $23.00
Monday: $8.00
Tuesday: $10.00
Wednesday: $11.00
Thursday: $9.00
Friday: $12.00
$88.00 worth of food used up this week. At the end of this monthlong project, we'll probably hold off shopping for a couple of days and have a few, shall we say, *interesting*, fridge cleanout meals just to make sure we use up all the perishables before we stock up some more.
I feel like I haven't stopped doing since I left to buy groceries this morning.
I like those kinds of days.