Tuesday, November 29, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 11 (Monday)...

The longer I do this foodblogging thing, the greater respect and admiration I have for those who have been doing it for years. To say the least, it is challenging to come up with content every day. And were it not for the numbers attached to this daily diary of comestibles, I don't think I could exactly consider my recent output content.

Being the sponge that I am, I find the more I blog, the less I am inclined to read other blogs because it's far too easy to be swayed, sidetracked, or even discouraged at times, by the amazing food content and images there are to be found all over the web. And while I'm sure this self-imposed lack of exposure has cheated me of some incredible images, recipes, and ideas, I'm also confident that it has helped me to further define my point of view, which I'd like to think is becoming clearly focused on the most delicious, diverse, healthy, resourceful, and reasonably practical use of food possible.

I think that

- eating leftover pumpkin cupcakes for breakfast three times in one week, or
- the fact that it pains me to throw away $1.40 in corn tortillas, or
- that both of the meals eaten at home on Monday were leftovers

says just as much about my food philosophy as the fact that

- I might make up to 20 different dishes, inspired by a number of different cuisines, in one week (on a really good week, that is), or
- that we indulge from time to time in a bucketload of live uni, or
- that I still long for a slab of foie gras from time to time.

For all the good influence and information there is to be had out there, sometimes it's good to just put your head down, focus, and, as they say, do YOU.



And coffee.

= $0.40 FOR BREAKFAST (for 2 cups of coffee)


for the Man was a repurpose of the rice and beans of the night before, with some melted Jack cheese on top.

For me, it was the last of the leftover yoohkgaejahng from last week with a little bit of rice.

   some grated Jack cheese $0.25
+ 1 cup of jasmine rice for my yookgaejahng $0.50
+ some Mountain Dew and 7-Up we bought because I wanted bubbly drinks $3.53 (for two schtinkin 20 oz. drinks, of which I still have some left - you can see why soda is considered an indulgence in our house. Jeebuss. $1.75 a bottle, and it doesn't even get you buzzed...)

= $4.30 FOR LUNCH


was SUSHI. Out, of course. And it was lovely. But that comes out of the Entertainment budget, so it doesn't get counted here.


And because dinner was really early, I got a little schnacky at night while we were watching TV, so I finished off the rest of the sweet potatoes from Thanksgiving, but not before I bruleed some marshmallows on top. :)

= maybe $0.10 for a handful of marshmallows FOR SNACK

$4.80 spent yesterday.

Friday 11/25 - $5.15
Saturday 11/26 - $23.95
Sunday 11/27 - $8.30
Monday 11/28 - $4.80

$42.20 spent so far with three days left to go in the week. I'm running low on produce, so we'll need to shop for a few fruit and veg items today.

Off to select more recipes for the cookbook, which really is the hardest part, I think.


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