Saturday, November 26, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 6 (Wednesday) & Something About THE CHANGE...

Well thank Goddess for facebook and G+, else I wouldn't - nay, couldn't - have remembered what it is I ate for breakfast on Wednesday because I didn't take any pics!

Wednesday was mostly spent prepping for Thanksgiving, and while I vaguely remember that we had ambitions to go out and grab a drink in the evening, those plans were dashed by a general pooped-ness that settled in by late afternoon.

With the whack sleep patterns of the past month or so, general exhaustion, on and off all day bitchiness, recently hypersensitive palate, and now all day mild pukeyness,  I'm really starting to think I might be entering...


And let me just say that it's not the hot flashes that scare me, though I hear they suck. What scares me is that I remember in hindsight my mom seemingly going through it for FUCKING EONS. And I'm ashamed to say that I wasn't very sympathetic at the time. The word *menopause* was in my vocabulary, but I really had no notion or understanding of it. And my mom, while progressive in many ways, is and always has been a little old fashioned when it comes to talking about female or reproductive issues. (Let's put it this way - it was my dad who plopped us in front of a PBS special when I was 11, explaining to us that the show could probably explain to us the birds and the bees better than he could. Gawd bless him...)

So if indeed I am entering THE CHANGE, wish my family luck, will ya.

And on Wednesday...


was pancakes and hotdogs masquerading as breakfast sausage. And coffee of course.

No pics. I had Thanksgiving cooking on the brain, but I'll post all the stuff made for Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving's post.

   pancake ingredients $0.60
+ 2 hotdogs $0.20
+ 2 cups of coffee $0.40



was yoohkgaejahng (aka yukgaejahng) made with the scraps of short rib that I trimmed for Thanksgiving dinner, 2 bunches of green onions, a leek, and a head of garlic. 

That served with some rice and kimchi really hit the spot on a cool, autumn day. Plus it made efficient use of scraps, which always makes me happy.

   2 bunches of green onions $0.70
+ 1 leek $1.85
+ 1 head of garlic $0.20
+ seasonings $0.20 (leftover rice already accounted for, short ribs to be accounted for on next post)

= $2.95 FOR LUNCH ($1.00/serving for 3 servings)


I was starving by dinner time and in no mood to keep cooking, so inspired by a couple of G+ friends' posts about sandwiches, I sent the Man to Subway for a turkey sub on wheat with lettuce, tomato, onion, avo, mayo and pepperoncini. And considering that we spent $12 at Subway for two really lackluster sandwiches, EVEN BY SUBWAY STANDARDS, and a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips, I am reaffirming my thinking that I will only ever go out to eat three things in this town ever again - Mexican food, sushi, and coupon fried chicken.  :(


$16.15 spent on Wednesday.

Friday 11/18 - $9.05
Saturday 11/19 - $12.65
Sunday 11/20 - $15.20
Monday 11/21 - $7.20
Tuesday 11/22 - $14.05
Wednesday 11/23 - $16.15

$74.30 spent with Thanksgiving left to go in this week.

You know what I wonder sometimes? I wonder if you guys ever check my math.

Only two more posts! I can practically SMELL caught up-ness.



  1. Ahhh, the dreadful "Change"... I don't know how old you are but you certainly look too young to be going through it, hope you are feeling better and having a great Thanksgiving holiday!

  2. @Jeno, LOL. Well, the *change* ended up being something else!

    But thanks for the well wishes. We had a lovely Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family had a great one as well. :)
