Thursday, December 8, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 19 (Tuesday) & Something About The Spirit Of Giving...

Over the past hour, the space heater has brought my room up to 57F from 51F, and I'm still pretty uncomfortable. And in moments like this, it occurs to me that there are homeless people out there huddling to keep warm on sidewalks, some of them in much colder places, maybe even between tall buildings where the wind channels and blusters even colder (I remember how shockingly cold Manhattan was in spring), and I think to myself

There but for the grace of the gods go I...

I can remember being much younger and judging the homeless even as I helped them - only buying them food because I deemed that was what they needed or should need, and refusing to give them money, because I certainly wasn't going to contribute to their drugged or alcoholic delinquency.

And then some interesting life happened to me, and I realized that things can happen for us, and to us, that are out of our control. Good things and bad things. And when some really bad things happened to me, and I was on the receiving end of both true compassion and kindness, and the kind of so-called help that judges, I realized that even in my lowest and most desperate moments, I wasn't so low and so desperate that I didn't know the difference between those who pitied and judged me and those who respected my dignity while extending their hand to me.

In this season of high charity, I think it's good to remember that the spirit in which we give is of as much, or even greater impact, than the thing we give itself.

Today and every day, I am thankful for the people who gave me a hand up - not only with things, but also with heart - instead of a handout, when I needed it most. I hope I honor their generous spirits with my own spirit when giving.

And on Tuesday...


was an improvised Shit On A Shingle with eggs instead of meat, gravy (from Thanksgiving, and yes it was still good. Stuff keeps remarkably well in the back of the fridge...) instead of cream, and croissant instead of toast. Oh, and some melty cheese...

And it was a good way to stretch one croissant between the two of us.

3 eggs $0.50
+ 1 croissant $0.40
+ some cheese $0.25
+ 2 cups coffee $0.40



was a Oaxaca (pronounced wahHAHkkah), mozzarella, and chorizo quesadilla, using some really old chorizo that was so dried up it looked like salami in the casing. (And can I just say I'm chorizo'd out??? Wait. That just sounds wrong...)

A web of Oaxaca and mozzarella...

Blended pico de gallo and fresh avocado on the side.

2 tortillas $0.90
+ 1 avocado $0.25
+ 2 tomatoes $0.40
+ half an onion $0.10
+ 2 jalapeƱos, 1 lime and some cilantro $0.40
+ some mozzarella and Oaxaca $1.25
+ a quarter link of chorizo $0.30

= $3.60 FOR LUNCH FOR 2


Because I was starving by the time I got done doing the laundry, dinner was the rest of the leftover catfish soup and rice.

= $0.00 FOR DINNER FOR 2


was a scoop of strawberry ice cream each, no pics.



was two pomegranates. Which was better than eating the pizza and chicken wings I really wanted to eat...

It would help to remember to take the pic before
I eat the pomegranate... :)

= $0.50 FOR SNACK

$6.35 spent on Tuesday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80
Sunday 12/04 - $14.60
Monday 12/05 - $12.60
Tuesday 12/06 - $6.35

$56.10 spent this week with two more days to account for. And then we're on to the last week!

Aaaaand it's time to make lunch.

Back later.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, that croissant with eggs/cheese/gravy looks ridiculous (in a good way)! Congratulations on your pregnancy! More excuse to eat more delicious food :) .
