Tuesday, December 13, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 22 (Friday) & Something About Potlucks...

Alright. I'm going to attempt to crank out one more post before I get started on these empanadas the Man has asked me to make for a work potluck.

I was going to do picadillo empanadas, but I don't have ground beef on hand, so I'm going to do some chile chicken empanadas, exact seasonings to be determined. I do have some tomatillos on hand, so maybe I'll stew the chicken in a salsa verde... Who knows.

If there's anything I miss about working in an office, it's, well...


And especially not the potlucks. Because let's face it - most people who work all day don't want to be bothered to go home and cook something interesting to bring to work the next day. So you usually get lots of bags of chips, jars of Pace or La Victoria, alien green guacamole, boxes of funky sugar cookies you know no one would buy for themselves to eat, pre-packaged veggie dip, some nasty potato salad with usually too much yellow mustard in it, and, if someone's being really generous, some Domino's or a bucket of KFC. If this doesn't sound like your office potluck, you are one lucky duck. (Unless yours is worse, then I'm sorry.)

White people church potlucks, however, are a whole 'nother story. This is where you get to eat all the rib sticking Americana your gullet and gut can handle: grape jelly meatballs, Lil Smokies in Coke and ketchup, 7-Layer dip, tater tot hotdish, Jell-O salad, ambrosia, other things that involve maraschino cherries and/or pudding and/or Cool Whip, and just generally lots of things that Paula Deen and her family like to eat on the weekdays.

Those potlucks I miss from time to time. But that church part. Ehh...

And on Friday...


was a Colby Jack omelette with some leftover pico de gallo from Tuesday's quesadilla lunch.

5 eggs plus some heavy cream, salt, and pepper $0.90
+ some Colby Jack cheese $0.50
+ 2 cups coffee $0.40



was bibim bahp made with some veg scraps - carrot, squash, cabbage - and the last of the flap steak seasoned with a boolgohgi marinade and a couple of fried eggs.

1 carrot, 1 squash, a quarter of a head of cabbage $0.85
+ a quarter pound flap steak and seasonings $1.25
+ 1 cup jasmine rice $0.40
+ 2 eggs $0.35
+ gochoojahng $0.25

= $3.10 FOR LUNCH FOR 2


was the last of the uberripe kimchi braised with a few slices of uncured bacon. Served with steamed rice.

the last of the kimchi $1.00
+ 6 slices of bacon $1.00
+ 1 cup of jasmine rice $0.40

= $2.40 FOR DINNER FOR 2


And then I got hungry again. And I really debated ordering a pizza, and maybe some chicken wings to boot. And I sat on the couch thinking about pizza and chicken wings for two hours before I decided to just make these.

1 Roma tomato $.20
+ half an avocado $0.15
+ a few slices of turkey and some mayo $0.50

= $0.85 FOR SNACK 

And somewhere in there I forgot to mention and account for a couple of McDonald's apple pies.

= $1.00 FOR PIES

$8.30 spent on the first day of the last week of this project, and I must go make some chicken empanada thingies...

Hopefully back later.


100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 21 (Thursday) & Something About How It's Not Your Kids' Fault...

If I have been really good about keeping my preggo cravings in check (I've only indulged in a McRib and a couple of small bags of XXTra Flamin' Hot Cheetos so far), I've been really fucking lazy about this blog. This pukeyness has become a great excuse for being really unproductive.  :)

But while I'm on the subject of preggo cravings... I've never been a big believer in this idea of *baby weight*. The truth is, there's you, there's roughly 7 pounds of baby on average, and another roughly 20 or so pounds in baby related tissue and fluid growth or retention, and maybe a few more pounds for good measure and healthy indulgence. The rest of it is ALL YOU. If, at the end of a hopefully successful pregnancy, I end up being a little chubby, that will be ALL ME and my own decisions to indulge in a few too many unhealthy cravings.

I know I might raise the ire of some otherwise healthy women who suffer baby weight retention, but barring some hormonal or glandular issue that negatively affects your metabolism, it is what it is. Eat too much of the wrong things, you gain weight. I'd no more listen to a woman who blames having biological children for her weight problems as I'd listen to one who blames her kids for having an unfulfilled life.

Do I want to eat burgers and Flamin' Hot Cheetos and pizza and chicken wings a lot more than I usually do? Sadly, YES.

Does anything in my rational or educated mind tell me any of those foods are essential or helpful to growing another little person? Luckily, NO.

I think it's perfectly ok to be self-indulgent (like procrastinating on your blog for six days in a row because you feel a tiny bit pukey). Just don't say the baby made you do it. Straight from the womb is just way too early to be bearing someone else's crosses.

And on Thursday...


was more of that yogurt with pomegranate and honey, and a banana with some PB. And coffee.

yogurt and honey and pomegranate for two $1.50
+ a banana and some PB $0.30
+ 2 cups of coffee $0.40



I don't remember what I was doing at the time - probably procrastinating - but I remember that lunch snuck up on me, and I had to put something together quick. So I made some steamed rice topped with a fried egg, some toasted nori, a little kimchi, soy sauce, and some toasted sesame oil and seeds.

Kinda like a combo of two of my favorite childhood meals.

3 eggs $0.50
+ 1 cup of jasmine rice $0.40 (the cost went down because I bought the big bulk bag this time)
+ some nori, soy sauce, kimchi, and toasted sesame seeds and oil $0.40

= $1.30 FOR LUNCH FOR 2


was a couple of coldcuts with a little mayo, and two sheets of nori with a couple of spoonfuls of rice.

coldcuts with mayo $0.40
+ nori with rice $0.20

= $0.60 FOR SNACK


was sauteed chicken livers with sauteed Balsamic onions, which is my favorite way to eat chicken livers. And given my current condition, all that iron really did make me feel better.

The McRib was an afterthought. And may I just say that while the notion of *quality* from McDonald's food is understandably laughable to some, I have really seen a decline in QC from fast food places in general. From the texture of the dried out buns (which always used to be soft) to the way overdoneness of the kangaroo meat, to the sloppy and inconsistent application of condiments, it appears all the cookie cutters are broken, and these multi-national corporations can't even get blandness and uniformity right anymore. So much for all that private sector efficiency! *SIGH*

a small tub of chicken livers $1.25
+ half an onion, some salt and pepper, some Balsamic vinegar, and a few splashes of Tabasco $0.50
+ 2 McRibs $6.00

= $7.75 FOR DINNER FOR 2

$11.85 spent on Thursday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80
Sunday 12/04 - $14.60
Monday 12/05 - $12.60
Tuesday 12/06 - $6.35
Wednesday 12/07 - $9.00
Thursday 12/08 - $11.85

$76.95 spent on the third week of this budget.

So far for actual food consumed, not groceries purchased, I've spent:

$130.35 for Week 1 + $72.55 for Week 2 + $76.95 for Week 3 = $279.85 so far with one week left to account for.

Six posts in one day is a pipe dream, but I'll do my best.

Back in a bit.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 20 (Wednesday) & Something About My Favorite Things...

Uni and foie gras and orbs of burrata,
Geoduck and Dungeness and fresh handmade pasta,
Pork belly braised in sweet soy and Shaoxing,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Oysters on half shells with herbed mignonette,
Crisp bubbly cava and chocolate noisettes,
Scallop ceviche and hot chicken wings,
These are a few of my favorite things...

Let me just say that it was sooo much harder to do that than I thought it would be when I set out to do it. It would probably have been a lot easier if I didn't insist on listing foods that I actually love.

If you give it a whirl, let me know what you come up with!

And on Wednesday...


Because we woke up late, I opted to assemble a quick breakfast of yogurt with pomegranate and honey and a couple of tomato-turkey stacks with a dab of mayo and a turn of black pepper.

yogurt and pomegranate and honey for 2 $1.50
+ half a tomato, some turkey and mayo $0.50
+ 2 cups of coffee $0.40



Because I've been craving gringo Chinese for a week, I decided to make some Mongolian Beef. 

As of today, I could still go for some Orange Chicken. And some greasy Chow Mein, too...

half a pound of flap steak (I got it on clearance) $2.50
+ half and onion and 2 green onions $0.20
+ some soy, fish sauce, sugar, garlic, and red chili flakes $0.40

= $3.10 FOR LUNCH FOR 2 


A banana and some PB. For some reason, I always hesitate to post pictures of bananas...

one banana and some peanut butter

= $0.30 FOR SNACK


Because I really didn't feel like cooking, it was ramen. And not even the doctored kind. Just ramen (well, I did mix two different kinds) and kimchi.

1 Sapporo Ichiban ramen $0.50
+ 1 Shin Black ramyun $1.00

= $1.50 FOR DINNER FOR 2


Roasted fresh chile and lime garbanzos.

half a pound of fresh garbanzos $1.50
+ some cayenne, salt, sugar, onion powder, and lime juice $0.10

= $1.70 FOR SNACK

$9.00 spent on Wednesday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80
Sunday 12/04 - $14.60
Monday 12/05 - $12.60
Tuesday 12/06 - $6.35
Wednesday 12/07 - $9.00

$65.10 spent so far with one more day left to account for this week.

I really should start cooking dinner, but I really don't want to. :)


100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 19 (Tuesday) & Something About The Spirit Of Giving...

Over the past hour, the space heater has brought my room up to 57F from 51F, and I'm still pretty uncomfortable. And in moments like this, it occurs to me that there are homeless people out there huddling to keep warm on sidewalks, some of them in much colder places, maybe even between tall buildings where the wind channels and blusters even colder (I remember how shockingly cold Manhattan was in spring), and I think to myself

There but for the grace of the gods go I...

I can remember being much younger and judging the homeless even as I helped them - only buying them food because I deemed that was what they needed or should need, and refusing to give them money, because I certainly wasn't going to contribute to their drugged or alcoholic delinquency.

And then some interesting life happened to me, and I realized that things can happen for us, and to us, that are out of our control. Good things and bad things. And when some really bad things happened to me, and I was on the receiving end of both true compassion and kindness, and the kind of so-called help that judges, I realized that even in my lowest and most desperate moments, I wasn't so low and so desperate that I didn't know the difference between those who pitied and judged me and those who respected my dignity while extending their hand to me.

In this season of high charity, I think it's good to remember that the spirit in which we give is of as much, or even greater impact, than the thing we give itself.

Today and every day, I am thankful for the people who gave me a hand up - not only with things, but also with heart - instead of a handout, when I needed it most. I hope I honor their generous spirits with my own spirit when giving.

And on Tuesday...


was an improvised Shit On A Shingle with eggs instead of meat, gravy (from Thanksgiving, and yes it was still good. Stuff keeps remarkably well in the back of the fridge...) instead of cream, and croissant instead of toast. Oh, and some melty cheese...

And it was a good way to stretch one croissant between the two of us.

3 eggs $0.50
+ 1 croissant $0.40
+ some cheese $0.25
+ 2 cups coffee $0.40



was a Oaxaca (pronounced wahHAHkkah), mozzarella, and chorizo quesadilla, using some really old chorizo that was so dried up it looked like salami in the casing. (And can I just say I'm chorizo'd out??? Wait. That just sounds wrong...)

A web of Oaxaca and mozzarella...

Blended pico de gallo and fresh avocado on the side.

2 tortillas $0.90
+ 1 avocado $0.25
+ 2 tomatoes $0.40
+ half an onion $0.10
+ 2 jalapeƱos, 1 lime and some cilantro $0.40
+ some mozzarella and Oaxaca $1.25
+ a quarter link of chorizo $0.30

= $3.60 FOR LUNCH FOR 2


Because I was starving by the time I got done doing the laundry, dinner was the rest of the leftover catfish soup and rice.

= $0.00 FOR DINNER FOR 2


was a scoop of strawberry ice cream each, no pics.



was two pomegranates. Which was better than eating the pizza and chicken wings I really wanted to eat...

It would help to remember to take the pic before
I eat the pomegranate... :)

= $0.50 FOR SNACK

$6.35 spent on Tuesday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80
Sunday 12/04 - $14.60
Monday 12/05 - $12.60
Tuesday 12/06 - $6.35

$56.10 spent this week with two more days to account for. And then we're on to the last week!

Aaaaand it's time to make lunch.

Back later.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 18 (Monday)...

Struggling on my fourth post of the day, misspelling words I never misspell, and forgetting even the most basic idioms (Do we kick or beat dead horses???), I realize the next few months are going to be an exercise in compromise.

I get my energy back, I lose brain cells.

There have been times - many, many times actually - when I would push aside the hand that my mind and body were putting in my face to try to tell me to just give it a rest.

Tonight I think I'll listen for the most part and just make this last one a real quick and dirty.

And on Monday...


was the rest of those apple turnovers and some coffee.

I do love me some flaky pastry...

2 apple turnovers $0.25
+ 2 cups of coffee $0.40



was a most delightfully hit the spot sort of turkey, tomato, and avo on croissant sandwich with a couple of healthy schmears of that Best Foods mayo I've been craving so much.

2 croissants $0.75
+ some turkey $1.00
+ 1 avocado $0.25
+ 1 tomato $0.25
+ some mayo and pickled peppers $0.25

= $2.50 FOR LUNCH FOR 2


was a couple of those oranges I bought on Saturday. Here's the thing: I know better than to buy super early crops.

I don't know if you've ever noticed, but sometimes, markets will advertise that something is the *FIRST CROP!!!!!!* as if that's a good thing. In my experience, the first crop or two of a season typically yields unripe or immature fruit. I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for it, but it's almost like the first crop is a tree's practice run before it spits out the really good fruit.

And these oranges sure tasted like the first crop. >.<

Which means the rest are getting made into juice (with sugar in it) or marmalade.

2 oranges $0.20

= $0.20 FOR SNACK


was that Vietnamese sweet and sour fish soup (called canh chua ca) made with some tomatoes, onion, leeks, garlic, pineapple, ginger, and catfish. Even with a few substitutions, it hit all the notes I was looking for in this cold weather.

Close-up of that moist, flaky, deliciously fatty catfish... :)

And can I just say how very loverly it is to be able to enjoy every last thing I make with the Man? That he digs into each new dish with a sense of gusto and adventure is such a gift.

a whole catfish $5.15
+ a third of the pineapple $0.35
+ 4 tomatoes $0.80
+ 1 leek $1.50
+ an onion scrap, some garlic cloves, and a few slices of ginger $0.20
+ 1 chayote $0.40
+ 1 cup of jasmine rice $0.50

= $8.90 FOR DINNER (4 servings)


was a shared scoop of strawberry ice cream with a ribbon of honey.


$12.60 spent on Monday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80
Sunday 12/04 - $14.60
Monday 12/05 - $12.60

$49.75 spent with three days left to go in the week.

Off to watch the rest of this epi of Top Chef in Texas, and I think I'm done for the day.


100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 17 (Sunday) & Something About Business Models In The Ever Shifting Paradigm That Is The Interwebs...

If I've been meandering and moseying my way toward a new career path, there is nothing like the idea of another mouth to feed to make you look a little harder for a somewhat sort of beeline to a paycheck. I know. Don't say it. A beeline to a paycheck, Shinae, is a JAY. OH. BEE. But I'm not talking about that kind of paycheck, and not that I'm above it if necessary.

But the question for me now is: How do I monetize what I do with food, by way of the web, when we're working within a paradigm in which so much good information is being given away?

And being personally put off as I am by all the personal branding going on, how do I create a viable internet business model that isn't driven by this sort of cult of personality that we all seem to be getting sucked into?

I've considered going back out there and doing in person cooking classes and catering and personal cheffing, but from a career development standpoint, I've covered that territory. And while it was fun and rewarding in many ways, there are so many aspects to that business that don't suit the direction I'm taking with my life at this point.

I have a hopeful and optimistic kind of feeling that the solution will present itself soon if I just keep my head down with the cooking and writing.

Roger always said, "Do what you love, and the money will follow..."

Yoohoo, Money. I'm over here. :D

And on Sunday...


for Mads were two goi cuon made with the leftovers from Saturday night, all the ingredients already accounted for but two sheets of rice paper.

For the rest of us, steel cut oatmeal with brown sugar, cinnamon, blueberries, and a pat of butter.

Oh, and I also had a pomegranate.

2 sheets of rice paper $0.10
+ a cup of oats $0.75
+ 2 cups of milk for the oats (I also used 2 cups water) $0.20
+ some brown sugar, cinnamon, butter, and a basket of blueberries $1.75
+ 1 pomegranate $0.25



was Joey's request for California Rolls and Miso Soup along with some homemade gari (GAHreeh) (pickled ginger).

And miso soup of course...

Some guy on my G+ page posted a comment on my Cali Roll pics to the effect of "California Roll is to sushi what White Zinfandel is to wine." I wasn't sure what that meant so I put it through the google foodiespeak translator, and the translation? I have a little dick.

2 cups of jasmine rice $1.00
+ 1 pound of surimi $2.00
+ 1 avocado $0.25 (GAWD I love the MexiMart)
+ 1 cucumber $0.25
+ some mayo and seasoned rice vinegar $0.25
+ 8 sheets of nori $1.50
+ miso soup fixings $0.50

= $5.75 FOR LUNCH FOR 4


I decided to make life easy on myself and make some pizza using the whole wheat pizza dough from Fresh & Easy. Dirty Hawaiian for me and the Man (ham, pineapple, onion, and pickled peppers), sausage and onion for Mads, and plain cheese for Joe.

Pineapple and watermelon on the side.

whole wheat pizza dough $0.50
+ half a pound of cheese $2.50
+ some pizza sauce $0.50
+ 1 sausage patty $0.35
+ some pineapple $0.25 (the whole thing was on sale for $0.99)
+ some honey ham $0.50
+ a couple of pickled peppers $0.20
+ some fruit $1.00

= $5.80 FOR DINNER FOR 4

$14.60 spent on Sunday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80
Sunday 12/04 - $14.60

$37.15 spent in the first three days with four days left to go in the week.

I'm actually feeling pretty good today, and I'm optimistic about my chances of banging out one more post. :)


100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 16 (Saturday) Shopping Day...

On Saturday, after a few weeks of going to the local hippiemart, I returned to the MexiMart and realized how much I missed that place. While the hippiemart is good for some produce, there is just nowhere near the variety that I get at the Meximart. Not to mention that the meat and fish from the Meximart just seem to taste a whole lot better.

$47.35 - $6.00 coupon = $41.35 @ Fresh & Easy

All you need do is step into a busy, clean, and well organized so-called ethnic market to get a sense of the very different attitudes certain other cultures have to food and cooking than we have here in the States. Lower prices on fresher meat and produce because of higher rates of turnover and generally higher rates of home cooking. And truthfully, it's not necessarily a more scientific- or health- based approach that drives the higher rates of home cooking. It's the numbers.

...$67.66 @ the MexiMart =

$109.01 TOTAL

Even here in this predominantly military and working class town where the local economy should presumably be driven by a lot of lower income bracket families, it's almost painful to compare what it costs me to prepare a meal (the last time I averaged things out, it was an average of $1.33/serving) versus dining out (which is usually, at the very least $4 or $5 per serving - for crap FAST FOOD, mind you - and don't get me started on the quality of the food  :| ).

But enough soapboxing for today.

PRODUCE: For green beans, blueberries, red cabbage, watermelon, bananas, oranges, white onions, jalapeƱos, ginger, red leaf lettuce, Roma and beefsteak tomatoes, chayote, garlic, cilantro, chiles de arbol,  white squashes, habaneros, pomegranates, carrots, fresh garbanzos, limes, Persian cukes, green mangoes, avocados, and mint, I spent $34 or 30% of total.

MEAT: For tofu (I couldn't find a better place to categorize it), a package of honey ham, a package of turkey breast, a whole chicken, a whole catfish, a 5lb. pork shoulder, and some chicken livers, I paid $27 or 23% of total.

DAIRY: For a gallon of milk, 8 oz. of shredded mozzarella, 8 oz. of shredded Colby Jack, a large container of yogurt, and a tray of Oaxaca cheese, I paid $14 or 12% of total.

PANTRY: For peanut butter, corn starch, steel cut oats, a 10 lb. bag of Jasmine rice, Best Foods mayo (I have another brand which is also very good, but sometimes I get very specific cravings for Best Foods aka Hellman's), a package of nori, a bottle of Mezzetta pickled yellow chili peppers, and a packet of cumin, and a package of cavatappi pasta with which I plan to make Mads' mac n' cheese request (see pic), I paid $26 or 23% of total.

Mads' and my game of Hangman from the weekend...

BREADS/CEREAL: For 4 croissants, I paid $1.50 or 1% of total.

INDULGENCES: For a tub of strawberry ice cream, a tub of vanilla ice cream, 8 chocolate chip cookies, 4 apple turnovers, 2 packages of those little yogurt drinks, and 1 box of chocolate cake mix, I spent $11 or 10% of total. Regarding the last two items, when the kids go shopping with me, I let them pick out $2 worth of food, whatever food it may be, which not only makes them highly thoughtful in their spending, but also generally keeps the extraneous grocery requests to a minimum.

As has been my M.O. of late, I really didn't have any particular dishes in mind while shopping, except for maybe the Vietnamese sweet and sour fish soup I ended up making with the catfish. I just went with what looked good.

And for good or bad, just about everything looks good these days. :P


P.S. Notwithstanding this post, I haven't shelved the idea of the low cost cooking classes. But given the current situation, I might just look into taking a more virtual approach.

P.P.S. As of this third shopping trip, I've spent $329.63 total, which leaves me with $70.37 for the last shopping week of this budget.

100 DOLLARS A WEEK PT.2 - Day 16 (Saturday) & Something About Evolution & Pregnancy...

So I have this theory that once upon a time when we were cavepeople and had to weather much harsher conditions, the ravenous appetite of early pregnancy served the evolutionary purpose of fattening up the mother for periods of scarcity while growing the baby.

I also have this theory that nothing good can come of me eating everything I want to eat when I want to eat it - unless obesity and gestational diabetes are good things.

Today, I would give someone else's left nut for a 2 pound bag of extra spicy Cajun style crawfish from The Boiling Crab. Too bad that place is, like, 80 miles away. Or maybe that's a good thing.

And on Saturday...


for Mads was a bowl of ramen and some kimchi. That child and her ramen...

For Joe, it was a Nutella croissant and milk. His idea. He did, however, determine that the hazelnut flavor of Nutella made a croissant a little too hazelnut-y and not quite chocolate-y enough, so I don't think we'll be repeating that experiment.

For the grown peeps, surprisingly good bargain bin apple turnovers and coffee.

And a small basket of blueberries for all.

A packet of ramen and some kimchi $0.50
+ Nutella croissant $0.50
+ glass of milk $0.10
+ 2 apple turnovers $0.25
+ 2 cups of coffee $0.40
+ basket of blueberries $1.50



I had planned for days to make fresh pappardella pasta to finish up the rest of the oxtail stew I got from my mom on Thanksgiving, but fatigue won out, and I used spaghetti instead. For the kids, just the pasta and oxtail, but for the adults, I topped it with an olive, a couple of pinches of crushed red chili flakes, and a few grates of lemon zest to give it that osso buco gremolata feel.

We also had about a third of the watermelon we bought that morning (shopping post to follow).

A third of a packet of spaghetti $0.35
+ 2 olives, some pepperoncino, and lemon zest $0.15
+ a third of the watermelon $1.50

= $2.00 FOR LUNCH FOR 4


I'd been craving pickled Thai style mangoes for weeks, so I was pretty jazzed when I walked into the MexiMart on Saturday morning to find green mangoes to pickle. Having also recently learned from my mom that chayotes (chahYOHteh) make good pickles, I added one of those, too.

And the kids asked for carrot coins and Ranch dressing.

2 green mangoes $1.50
+ 1 chayote $0.35
+ 1 jalapeƱo and 2 chiles de arbol (CHEEleh deh AHRbohl) $0.05
+ some salt, sugar, vinegar, garlic $0.10
+ 1.5 monster carrots and Ranch $0.20

= $2.20 FOR SNACK


was goi cuon (Vietnamese summer rolls) again. Between me, Joey, and Mads, seems there's at least one request a week for these.

1.5 pounds of pork shoulder $2.00
+ 1 head of red lettuce $1.30
+ 1 bunch of mint and 1 bunch of cilantro $1.00
+ 1 jalapeno and 1 cucumber $0.30
+ 16 sheets of rice paper $1.25

= $5.85 FOR DINNER FOR 4


was ice cream sandwiches made with storebought cookies.

8 chocolate chip cookies $1.30
+ 4 scoops of ice cream $1.20


$15.80 spent on Saturday.

Friday 12/02 - $6.75
Saturday 12/03 - $15.80

$22.55 spent so far with 5 days left to go in the week.

I can't believe it's time to make lunch already.

Off too cook!
