I was going to do picadillo empanadas, but I don't have ground beef on hand, so I'm going to do some chile chicken empanadas, exact seasonings to be determined. I do have some tomatillos on hand, so maybe I'll stew the chicken in a salsa verde... Who knows.
If there's anything I miss about working in an office, it's, well...
And especially not the potlucks. Because let's face it - most people who work all day don't want to be bothered to go home and cook something interesting to bring to work the next day. So you usually get lots of bags of chips, jars of Pace or La Victoria, alien green guacamole, boxes of funky sugar cookies you know no one would buy for themselves to eat, pre-packaged veggie dip, some nasty potato salad with usually too much yellow mustard in it, and, if someone's being really generous, some Domino's or a bucket of KFC. If this doesn't sound like your office potluck, you are one lucky duck. (Unless yours is worse, then I'm sorry.)
White people church potlucks, however, are a whole 'nother story. This is where you get to eat all the rib sticking Americana your gullet and gut can handle: grape jelly meatballs, Lil Smokies in Coke and ketchup, 7-Layer dip, tater tot hotdish, Jell-O salad, ambrosia, other things that involve maraschino cherries and/or pudding and/or Cool Whip, and just generally lots of things that Paula Deen and her family like to eat on the weekdays.
Those potlucks I miss from time to time. But that church part. Ehh...
And on Friday...
was a Colby Jack omelette with some leftover pico de gallo from Tuesday's quesadilla lunch.
5 eggs plus some heavy cream, salt, and pepper $0.90
+ some Colby Jack cheese $0.50
+ 2 cups coffee $0.40
was bibim bahp made with some veg scraps - carrot, squash, cabbage - and the last of the flap steak seasoned with a boolgohgi marinade and a couple of fried eggs.
1 carrot, 1 squash, a quarter of a head of cabbage $0.85
+ a quarter pound flap steak and seasonings $1.25+ 1 cup jasmine rice $0.40
+ 2 eggs $0.35
+ gochoojahng $0.25
= $3.10 FOR LUNCH FOR 2
was the last of the uberripe kimchi braised with a few slices of uncured bacon. Served with steamed rice.
was the last of the uberripe kimchi braised with a few slices of uncured bacon. Served with steamed rice.
the last of the kimchi $1.00
+ 6 slices of bacon $1.00+ 1 cup of jasmine rice $0.40
= $2.40 FOR DINNER FOR 2
And then I got hungry again. And I really debated ordering a pizza, and maybe some chicken wings to boot. And I sat on the couch thinking about pizza and chicken wings for two hours before I decided to just make these.
1 Roma tomato $.20
+ half an avocado $0.15
+ a few slices of turkey and some mayo $0.50
= $0.85 FOR SNACK
And somewhere in there I forgot to mention and account for a couple of McDonald's apple pies.
= $1.00 FOR PIES
$8.30 spent on the first day of the last week of this project, and I must go make some chicken empanada thingies...
Hopefully back later.