"Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life."
~ Brian Andreas, Enough Time
A friend gave me that print once upon another life. I lost it in the divorce, so to speak. It's sitting somewhere in a garage to which I have access, but which I don't care to access. I think she knew I needed it but was too kind to force the issue with more than the gift of a lovely piece of art.
Sitting here on a Saturday morning, writing about what I ate on Wednesday, I have once again fallen behind. But as I'm looking at my toenails that are starting to outgrow their last pedi and opting to write this blog instead of re-doing them today, I am reminded that it's about priorities.
I haven't written a blog entry for the past three days because this blog falls somewhere after husband, children, parents, re-learning how to choose friends, have friends, and be a friend, cooking, cleaning, social networking (where, in my own defense, I practically blog food three times a day), business planning, and catching the occasionally necessary nap, but somewhere before having cute toenails.
A 2-egg scramble with porky product on the side.
One of those Chili Lemongrass Meatballs I made earlier in the week, srirachafied.
A repeat of lunch from the day before.
A bowl of cantaloupe. And then more cantaloupe. Probably a whole cantaloupe's worth...
A leftover tri-tip salad with some crowd sourced Yogurt Feta Dressing. That dressing recipe - keeper.
One of those blasted Drumsticks. Shit happens.
Does watering mums count as exercise?
Off to get some girl time with Mads and Izz.
Priorities. :)
P.S. Thanks, Catherine.