Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back In Black - Day 8 (Monday) & PROGRESS!!! :)

As an Asian female on the internets, I am, as Gilberto calls me, freak flypaper. 

And for that reason, I am loathe to post this picture. Because some freaks can turn anything into dirt and perversion. Bare a little flesh, and I'm not only inviting it. I'm practically goading them.

But the freaks are an inevitable bad byproduct of what I hope is a good thing I'm doing, and this pic is hardly gratuitous. Why?

Because PROGRESS. That's why. :)

I wish I'd taken a pic on Day 1, but hopefully you'll take my word for the fact that I could zip my dress up about 2 inches higher this morning than I could when I started.

I didn't make any drastic changes over the past week but to cut out a few beers or glasses of wine, avoid eating the Drumsticks in the fridge that aren't even supposed to be there (not buying crap is 90% of the battle for me, and I never buy stuff like that but Little Asian Mama bought them for her grandkids, and Little Asian Mama does everything BIG), and take slightly smaller carb servings than I was getting used to for a while. I've been eating what I like, and not depriving myself of anything I truly want to eat. As for the exercise, if you've been following along, you know I haven't quite ramped up that component just yet.

Clearly I have a ways to go, but to whatever extent I can convince someone else that it's worthwhile to do just one thing righter tomorrow than they did today by posting this picture, I'm willing to contend with a few freaks I was probably going to have to contend with anyways.


was a slice of that plum flaugnarde I made for my mom on Sunday. If there's ever a good time to have a sweet treat, it's breakfast. You have all day awake to metabolize those calories.


was a Spicy Korean Dwenjahng Soup with rice. Some kimchi I made on Saturday night on the side.


A red plum.

And then about an hour and half later, the last two very ripe bananas in the house with a little bit of peanut butter on each bite.


was one of Dean's favorite meals. A Fra Diavolo-ish peel and eat shrimp using that pound and half of head-on shrimp I bought at 99 Ranch on Friday with a small piece of crusty bread.


Another plum later at night.


Sick hubs + cranky baby + exhausted me = my fat ass on either the couch or on my feet rocking Izzy and watching 3 hours of Housewives. Oh, and also starting up a twitter account. It's a shame chirping doesn't burn more calories.

It's kinda lonely when the Man and the Babe are both asleep so early. I think I'll go pester the social networks for a while.



  1. Congrats on the progress!! Your food looks delicious too, what an inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Steph! I'm curious to find out how long this approach will take me... Hopefully sooner than later! :)
