Saturday, September 29, 2012

Back In Black - Day 17 (Wed) & Something About Priorities...

"Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life."

~ Brian Andreas, Enough Time

A friend gave me that print once upon another life. I lost it in the divorce, so to speak. It's sitting somewhere in a garage to which I have access, but which I don't care to access. I think she knew I needed it but was too kind to force the issue with more than the gift of a lovely piece of art.

Sitting here on a Saturday morning, writing about what I ate on Wednesday, I have once again fallen behind. But as I'm looking at my toenails that are starting to outgrow their last pedi and opting to write this blog instead of re-doing them today, I am reminded that it's about priorities.

I haven't written a blog entry for the past three days because this blog falls somewhere after husband, children, parents, re-learning how to choose friends, have friends, and be a friend, cooking, cleaning, social networking (where, in my own defense, I practically blog food three times a day), business planning, and catching the occasionally necessary nap, but somewhere before having cute toenails.

I think consciously establishing our priorities from time to time helps us to maintain balance. Going through the necessary assessments and cost/benefit analyses; reconciling our desire to do and be certain things with the understanding that not all the things we want to do and be are as rewarding, fulfilling, or even reasonable in the grand scheme of things right now as we might think without the benefit of proper perspective; stepping back and taking in a fuller picture of all our wishes and desires as against the full backdrop of both our abilities and our limitations; and finally coming to a good kind of acceptance that we can have it all, just not all at once.


A 2-egg scramble with porky product on the side.


One of those Chili Lemongrass Meatballs I made earlier in the week, srirachafied.


A repeat of lunch from the day before.


A bowl of cantaloupe. And then more cantaloupe. Probably a whole cantaloupe's worth...


A leftover tri-tip salad with some crowd sourced Yogurt Feta Dressing. That dressing recipe - keeper.


One of those blasted Drumsticks. Shit happens.


Does watering mums count as exercise?

Off to get some girl time with Mads and Izz.

Priorities. :)


P.S. Thanks, Catherine.