Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Back In Black - Day 9 (Tuesday) & Something About Preferences...

So on Friday as we were checking out at 99 Ranch, our young Asian male cashier struck up a conversation with us about how he always sees Asian women with white dudes, how it's never the other way around, and how he figures Asian women must like white men.

And I think it was because his tone was more curious than bitter that we engaged, Dean jokingly wondering aloud if it wasn't really the other way around.

I just told him that I think most of us just love who we love without too much conscious choice over the matter. I mean, neither one of us has a history of fetishizing the other's culture or ethnicity...

But he seemed almost disheartened and discouraged, as if it were something about being an Asian male that made him undesirable to Asian females. So as we placed our bags in the cart to leave, I told him that it's not that we don't like Asian men - it's their mothers we're trying to avoid. Kekeke. :P

Mothers. It's all our faults.

was the last piece of flaugnarde with lots of lightly sugared coffee.


was a fridge cleanout naan pizza with tomatoes, parsley, Jack and cream cheeses with an egg put on it. A G+ friend jokingly asked me if this was going to help me get back into my little black dress. At the end of that exchange, we both agreed that moderation, not deprivation, is the thing.




Some more of that Spicy Dwenjahng soup because it needs to get eaten before it goes bad.


Two handfuls of toasted almonds with raisins.

Then some banana chips.

And the very last of some stew I made last week. Clearly I didn't get enough protein with my lunch.


Another day of relative lethargy. Still sick hubs, getting sick babe. It is what it is. But I do plan to pick up the pace shortly. :)

Feels nice to be caught up if only for a day.


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